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Alumni Reunion in California, March 13, 2014
Чт, 13 марта 2014

Alumni Reunion in California, March 13, 2014

Approximately 30 alumni and friends attended the reunion, which is a great turn-out for the Northern California alumni chapter. Most of the guests were Stanford PhD students, but one alum traveled all the way from Houston, Texas to attend this event!

During the evening the main topics of conversation were current international events. We are very happy that so many alums attended this event and that many were interested in learning about NES updates. Please continue checking your inboxes for the Alumni E-Newsletter which will keep you informed on NES news and write to us with any questions you might have to [email protected].

We'd like to thank Segah Mir (MAE'2013) for helping organizing this event and Tatiana Evstigneeva (MAE'2003) and Andrey Kobelev(MAE'2004)  for taking photographs. Thank you to everyone else who helped with venue suggestions and provided feedback of the event.

Please send us your reviews and pictures of the event, as well as your ideas for future reunions to [email protected].

We hope to see you at the next reunion in California!

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