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NES alumni chapter meeting in New-York, October 2016
Пн, 07 мая 2018

NES alumni chapter meeting in New-York, October 2016

 This event brought together 15 NES alums from multiple graduating classes, including the very first class of MAE'2014, two School representatives, Svetlana Nabieva and Denis Klimentov, as well as Professor Sergei Guriev, former rector of NES, 2004-2013, Chief Economist of EBRD, Professor of Sciences Po.

Not everyone in the group knew each other well, but the fact that everyone had NES as their alma mater made everyone feel like home, and the the meeting felt like a family reunion. The discussion revolved around a variety of topics, including the state of the economy in Russia and other countries, as well as all the news and developments taking place at NES.  

It was just a short while ago, in July 2016, when Sergey Rumyantsev (MAE’2002) took the initiative to call for the annual alumni meeting in New York, and Dmitry Sorokin (BAE'2015) organized the NES Run in Septebmer, both which were well-attended as well and now the NES diaspora has come together again! These NES alumni meetings are known for their warm and friendly nature. It is a unique opportunity for everyone to re-connect, share news and ideas, network and simply catch-up. It is a true reflection of the value of being part of the exclusive NES community. Keep in touch! 

 NES would like to extend its gratitude to Svetlana Nabieva and Marina Petrova (MAE’2010) for organizing this event!   

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